Batman vs Superman Movie: 3 Reasons To Be Excited & 3 Reasons To Worry

2. A Veteran Batman


As much as I love The Dark Knight Trilogy and their interpretation of Batman, part of me laments the fact we never did get to see a Batman who was in his prime with a decade or more of experience under his belt. Batman€™s been fighting crime for a long time now (the New 52 the continuity is a little confusing, but oh well) and it would be great to see a veteran Batman onscreen. The talk has so far been that Snyder and the studio are looking to cast an older actor, late 30s €“ mid 40s, for the role. I think this is the best choice to make as it not only distances itself from Nolan€™s trilogy, it gives the mainstream audience who don€™t follow the comics a new Batman to get to know and root for. A Batman of this caliber will also show them how this is a man who will never, ever give up when in a fight, putting his creed €œthe victory is in the preparation€ to the test.

Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.