Batman Vs Superman Spoilers: 12 Things We Know Will Happen

1. Superman Will "Die"

Whenever it is erected, Superman's statue doesn't last very long, as it ends up smashed into a pile of rubble. Could this be the result of a battle with Batman? Or another villain under Luthor's control? Or is it the act of a protesting public, echoing the toppling of the statue of Saddam Hussein (and to a lesser extent of Michael Jackson at Fulham)? But that's not the biggest question here: notice the flowers. The fact that the site of the downed statue is going to be covered in flowers suggests something awful is going to happen to Superman. It also suggests that the public have turned back towards seeing the presumably fallen figure as a hero; after all, you do not commemorate villains. Will this be part of Superman's attempt to escape Metropolis and turn his back? Will it lead to Batman visiting Smallville to find his Justice League comrade to help combat whatever threat (presumably lead by Lex Luthor) that inspires the formation of the Justice League? Either way, it's the most intriguing thing we're being led to believe now as an expectant audience. Do you think any of these events will happen in Batman Vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.
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