Batman Vs Superman Spoilers: 12 Things We Know Will Happen

7. Aquaman Is P*ssed About The Fish

Remember when Zod launched his world engine into the Indian Ocean to help terraform Earth for the rebirth of the Kryptonian race? That can't have done anything for the local sea life. Rumour has it - and it fits - that Aquaman's involvement in the film (which should be less considerable than Wonder Woman's) will be a direct response to what Zod's minions did to the planet's oceans. There must have been some lasting damage (something that was a little glossed over in Man Of Steel purposely), and it makes sense that the Justice League member so deeply tied to nature would be the banner-bearer for the unheard victims of the Kryptonian invasion. Hopefully, the intrigue will be a little less simple than that as relegating a mighty character to being a Friend Of Nemo would do little to dispel fears that he's already the weak link. But at least Jason Momoa's physique suggests more physicality.
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