Batman's 10 Best Movie Moments

1. The Joker’s Interrogation (The Dark Knight)

batman joker
Warner Bros. Pictures

Just like the scene with Alfred explaining The Joker to Bruce, this scene expertly captures the essence of Batman and Joker, their relationship and what makes each other tick.

After finally capturing The Clown Prince Of Crime, Gordon has him locked in an interrogation room and unleashes Batman on him. Except Joker has the jump on him throughout the whole thing.

The scene is orchestrated perfectly, with Nolan gradually upping the tension with each passing minute, as Batman and The Joker finally come face to face and talk about what they are doing and why. Joker’s scarily prophetic stance that the people of Gotham will reject Batman when they don’t need him is a wonderful bit of psychological torment the likes of which we expect.

As the scene progresses we see the balance of power clearly shift in Joker’s direction as he makes his plan clear before Batman snaps completely and starts battering him with his fists, only to have him laugh in his face.

The combination of Ledger’s performance, Hans Zimmer’s ear-piercing score and Nolan’s peerless direction makes this the definitive Batman movie moment.

batman Interrogation

There are no doubt plenty of scenes you feel are worthy of being on this list so please let us know in the comments.


An opinionated gamer and movie lover. When not writing about Movies, Games and TV, I am usually watching/playing Movies, Games and TV and occasionally trying to be funny on stage. All published articles will be linked to my twitter so feel free to follow me @mark_woodrow