Bay pulling pranks on TRANSFORMERS fanboys?

Michael Bay tells Rotten Tomatoes he's deliberately spreading mis-information on Transformers 2.

Michael Bay is one mischievous scamp! Word comes from Rotten Tomatoes (via Superhero Hype) that the director will deliberately release false information to fans via the net to throw them off the scent of any genuine Transformers 2 news.

"One thing I do know is I know how to screw them up more," Bay said. "We're going to leak a lot of false information all over the place. "I now know their game," cackled the director from his underground lair. "They're going to get a lot of script treatments that they think are going to be the script. They will never see the script. We've got scripts and treatments written up that we're going to leak. No one's going to know."
A while back there was a treatment floating around which we posted here. According to Bay, the thing isn't legit:
"There's one out that's fake right now. There are going to be many others."
Why? Why would Bay waste his, his screenwriters and the fans time doing this? If I were him I'd just concentrate on making the best movie possible and not pulling pranks on the hands that feed. If the first film is anything to go by then, pending a strike resolution, they need all the time they can get to work on scripting source - rotten tomatoes, superhero hype

Will Reynolds hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.