Beauty And The Beast Remake: 18 Major Changes Disney Made
10. Gaston
In The Original
Gaston is a preening, misogynistic prick, to put it bluntly: he assumes to can claim Belle for himself, is obsessed with his own image and is strangely exalted by the townspeople, despite being crude and illiterate. He's definitely a villain, but he's not really on the same scale as a Maleficent or Snow Queen type - up until he tries to murder Beast, that is.
In The Remake
The alpha male is still just as annoying as he was in the animated version, and there's more complexity (there was even talk of introducing a PTSD backstory to give him even more depth), and more venom to his mean streak. The cartoon version may have tried to have Maurice sectioned, but here he punches him in the face and leaves him to be killed by wolves on top of that.
Intriguingly, the film also fleshes out a hole that was always frustrating about the animated version, explaining that he is so beloved because he's a war hero and not just a fine specimen of masculinity.