Beauty And The Beast Trailer: 12 Scenes Ripped From The Cartoon

10. Prison Break

Beauty And The Beast Rose

Among all the happiness and songs about dancing cutlery, let's not forget that the film is extremely dark in places. The 2017 reimagining seems to be honing back in on the gothic vibe, and it isn't long before crazy ol' Maurice gets himself imprisoned in the castle.

Following the 1991 version, it looks like Belle goes looking for her father when she comes across Beast. A noble Belle sacrifices herself so that her father can go free, and in return she will take his place as prisoner.

I always found it pretty selfish of Maurice to let his daughter be imprisoned by an evil animal hybrid, but hey, what you going to do about it?


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap