Before Skyfall: 10 Definitive Thomas Newman Scores

9. Lemony Snicket The score for Lemony Snicket€™s Series of Unfortunate Events is instantly addictive. This is Newman doing some of his most entertaining composing. The score is quirky and light on its feet but still provides the somber and spatial sounds to keep the film grounded with the necessary emotion. This seems like a score where Newman was allowed to let his imagination run wild. It has one of the most diverse selections of instruments of any of his scores and it tampers with almost every convention we have come to expect of Newman. The composition of all the elements just sounds as if Newman was lost in a world of his own fun. All of this aside, the score is still cohesive and never too abstract for its own good, never becoming too self-indulgent. It is overall just a great listen with heart and imagination.

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