Before Skyfall: 10 Definitive Thomas Newman Scores

8. The Green Mile Though the film and the score are not as groundbreaking as other projects Newman has been involved in, they are both very powerful. This is one case where a score truly serves as the core of a film. As powerful as the performances and visuals are, they can only do so much without this score. The sound can shift from light and even somewhat upbeat, to brooding and somber in a matter of seconds without drawing attention to itself. This compliments the emotions and thoughts of the characters, inviting the audience into another world. The way the note progression is structured is simple yet complex at the same time, challenging the audience to think about what they are hearing and in turn seeing, lending itself well to the themes of the film. While it is not as much of an album to sit down and relax to, it still provides good ambiance with catchy melodies amongst an elegant soundscape.

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