Before The Dark Knight Rises: 10 Baffling Decisions By Batman Directors

10. Nolan's Scarecrow Snub (The Dark Knight)

As good as Nolan's Bat-trilogy has been (so far), the films haven't been unblemished by any means, and the second Nolan mistake to make this list concerns the director's treatment of Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow in The Dark Knight. Despite a great finale in Batman Begins (aside from the taser to the face), and subsequently being announced as still at large, by the time Batman Begins comes around, Jonathan Crane has become little more than a drug peddlar almost thwarted by a group of Batman impostors, before ultimately being captured by the Dark Knight himself. Because of the presence of the bigger draw villain - the Joker - Scarecrow is seemingly relegated from super-villain status, with the final indignity of being left tied together with the other criminals Batman takes down. Where is the villain who escaped not once but twice in Batman Begins? Hopefully, The Dark Knight Rises will give Scarecrow a more fitting end (especially with the likely return of former employee Ra's Al Ghul). And then of course there's the small matter of the five murders pinned on Batman at the end of The Dark Knight... Five? Damn you, Nolan, that one's been bugging me for the best part of four years now! Baffling isn't the word. Let's hope that there won't be more decisions to add to this list when The Dark Knight Rises hits cinemas later this month.


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