Ben Stiller: 5 Awesome Performances and 5 That Sucked

4. Tropic Thunder

Often seen to lack substance in certain roles, Stiller proves with Tropic Thunder that he€™s more than just a silly face, though he is that too. Tropic Thunder is his satirical stab at Hollywood; written, directed and produced by Stiller himself, it€™s proof that he€™s better than some of the bog-standard comedic roles that he sometimes chooses for himself. Here though, he plays a direct parody of the cash-cow actor he's often taken for. Not as consistently hilarious a movie as you might hope, Stiller nevertheless attempted something bigger, better and bolder and ultimately darker than most of the mainstream Hollywood comedy that came before it, and arguably pulled the genre out of its Will Ferrell shaped rut. For that reason, Stiller must be thoroughly commended and his role within easily earns a place this side of the list.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.