Best Popular Film Oscar: 10 Most Likely Nominees

2. Mary Poppins Returns

Mary Poppins Returns Emily Blunt

Though Mary Poppins Returns will remain sight unseen until the very end of the year, it's incredibly easy to buy into all the buzz.

With Emily Blunt playing the titular iconic nanny and being joined by musical maestro Lin-Manuel Miranda, it's about as certain a recipe for success as you can find in Hollywood.

Though Mary Poppins isn't especially popular with international audiences, the film is still likely to join the billion-dollar club before it's all said and done (or get within spitting distance, at least).

Unlike every other film on this list, it also has a realistic chance of scoring a heap of typical Oscar nods alongside a Best Popular Film nomination.

Chances Of Winning: Musicals are a tough sell with the popular vote, and the fact that some audiences don't know the original movie could harm it.

Also, if the movie starts drumming up Best Picture hype, people may consider it a "wasted" vote to also give it credit as a popular movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.