Best Popular Film Oscar: 10 Most Likely Nominees

9. Paddington 2

Paddington 2

Though Paddington 2 released in much of the world last year, it didn't hit U.S. cinemas until January of this year, technically making it eligible for 2019 Oscar consideration.

More to the point, the movie is one of the most unexpectedly improved sequels of all time, a delightfully witty, visually immaculate and unerringly sweet family comedy that's basically the big, comforting cinematic hug the world needs right now.

While the film's "A" CinemaScore wasn't particularly surprising, Paddington 2 shocked the world by becoming the best-reviewed film on Rotten Tomatoes, rocking a staggering 100% approval rating with 199 reviews to date.

Chances Of Winning: Like A Quiet Place, Paddington 2 is on the lower end of the box office here, and though its $226.9 million worldwide gross made it a fantastic return-on-investment, it actually ended up making less than its predecessor, even in spite of all the universal praise.

Still, pretty much everyone who's seen it has fallen in love with it, and many who skipped out on it at the cinema may well have caught it at home. It's the outside contender everyone wants to root for, but it'll probably be powerless against the unstoppable tide of Disney (and moreover, Marvel).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.