Billy Bob Thornton: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

1. Dr. Oliver Lorvis - The Big Bang Theory

Comedy graveyard The Big Bang Theory is somehow still chugging along after all these years, and Billy Bob got roped in to play the guest role of a creepy doctor lusting after Penny. Poor Thornton looks a little dazed throughout his episode, with his character being a socially awkward weirdo who instantly falls in love with any woman that touches him. He€™s lumbered with many groan-worthy gags about kidney stones and Star Trek, and the laughter track goes into overtime trying to make it all seem funny. Thornton has played some fine weirdos throughout his career, so maybe with a better script and gags that cut a little deeper than €œAh shucks, I€™m such a socially awkward dweeb!€ his appearance could have been great. Since greatness is a concept unfamiliar to The Big Bang Theory, his role is just wasted potential. What are your favourite Billy Bob Thornton performances? Do you disagree with any of the choices on the list? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.