Billy Bob Thornton: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

2. Lorne Malvo - Fargo: Season One

Billy Bob reminds people every few years just how great he can be, and he delivered career-best work in the first season of Fargo. Lorne Malvo must rank as one of the greatest psychopaths€™s to ever grace television; he€™s an intelligent, manipulative predator who can €“ and frequently does - explode into violence at any given moment. Billy Bob plays Malvo with an eerie calm that€™s chilling to watch, and even when he€™s murdering people it rarely feels personal one way or the other. Lorne is also a great actor himself, with the ability to blend in and appear normal depending on who he€™s around. Thornton is never less than mesmerizing in the role, and he€™s given a number of memorable scenes €“ like meeting Sam Hess for the first time or the infamous elevator sequence €“ to display just how good he can be. Malvo is a rare combination of the perfect character for the perfect actor, and he duly won a Golden Globe for his work on the show.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.