Billy Bob Thornton: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

...And 5 That Sucked

5. Homer Carlton - On Deadly Ground

On Deadly Ground is Steven Seagal€™s moving, heartfelt tribute to Steven Seagal. The ponytailed one also directed the film, where he€™s a mercenary working for evil oil baron Michael Caine. When he€™s betrayed by his boss he discovers the only way to prevent a devastating oil spill in Alaska is to blow up an oil refinery; which feels a little faulty in terms of logic. Billy Bob is one of the mercenaries that shows up to take Seagal down, and the film marked the last time he was cast in the bit role of a colourful redneck. He doesn€™t get a lot to do, other than offer some wry commentary on Seagal€™s superhuman antics. His biggest scene is a clearly improvised comedy bit where he€™s talking about his machine gun, and his annoying shtick is mercifully put to a stop when he€™s blown up. Thornton soon moved on from thankless roles like this, and cinema was all the better for it.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.