Birds Of Prey - 10 Reasons To Be Excited

7. Dazzling Visuals

Birds of Prey Black Canary Harley Quinn
Warner Bros.

Where to start with the visuals in the first trailer alone? Many comic book trailers can't wait to show off their latest advancement in CGI technology, or how many lights and colour they can fit in a frame. Birds of Prey, however, has chosen to side-step these expectations.

As a more grounded outing, Birds of Prey compensates for its smaller boom with grand and elaborate production designs, from abandoned theme parks to Black Mask's night club. The design is striking and hypnotic, particularly in what seems to be a "hand" motif, with two hand statues holding eyes in Black Mask's club, and the hands surrounding a Marilyn Monroe-styled Harley Quinn, which is almost certainly a confirmation of a musical number.

Birds of Prey also doesn't appear to have a lack of colour, but instead balances it with the harsh and sombre palette that's custom to Gotham City. Overall, its visual style is akin to the more independent style that one could expect from hiring an independent filmmaker in Cathy Yan, which ultimately lend Birds of Prey a unique identity in a genre that is continuously at risk of being defined by stylistic uniformity.


Just a run-in-the-mill English Literature student, fighting the struggle of having non-comic book friends.