Birds Of Prey: Every Character In The Movie Ranked Worst To Best

8. Bruce Wayne (Not That One)

Birds of Prey Harley Quinn Hyena
Warner Bros.

It brings me no joy to say that Bruce Wayne, Harley Quinn's beloved pet hyena, is totally wasted in Birds of Prey. Literally every other character is brilliantly realised on the big screen, each getting an emotional, fleshed-out backstory and at least one ass-kicking moment, yet Bruce is underserved at every point.

Even worse, the hyena is actually set up to make some kind of grand entrance at the climx - the table set for him to rip out a dude's throat and the save the day - but it never comes. Obviously, nobody was expecting the good boy to play a pivotal role, but some John Wick 3 style animal action wouldn't have gone amiss.

What's up, WB? Do you not realise you're wasting the star of the show? Is the cost of a CGI hyena too much? Whatever the excuse, we need to see more of Bruce in Harley's next outing.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3