Birds Of Prey: Every Character In The Movie Ranked Worst To Best

7. Victor Zsasz

Birds of Prey victor zsasz
Warner Bros.

As mentioned, there's no wasted member of the main cast in Birds of Prey, but it's perhaps Chris Messina's Victor Zsasz that's the biggest surprise hit. The slasher has featured in DC movies before (serving a bit-part in Batman Begins), but he's often wasted as an uninteresting goon, a second-rate henchman only there to look intimidating.

Thankfully, Birds of Prey doesn't make the same mistake as so many stories before it, and here the character tows the line between the psychopathy he's known for, and a seemingly genuine affection for his boss, Roman Sionis. He's practically the Igor to Black Mask's Victor Frankenstein, and it works.

The two being murderous BFFs provides the kind of villain dynamic you didn't know you needed. In lesser hands, this twisted friendship could have come across grating or even embarrassing, but Messina sells both the humour and menace convincingly. His ending payoff is perhaps a little undercooked, but it doesn't stop him from putting in a memorable performance.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3