Birds Of Prey: Everything We Know About The DCEU's Harley Quinn Spin-Off

3. The Joker Will Make An Appearance

Birds of Prey Harley Quinn Teaser
Warner Bros.

It seems crazy to have a solo film about one of the most notorious couples in comic book history, without the other half of the couple. While Harley and Joker's relationship is nothing to be sought after, it would make for a slew of disappointed fans if the relationship isn't handled correctly going forward.

The Joker is nothing if not persistent. There is little chance that he would let Harley Quinn walk away from him without a fight. Even if it were a side plot in the film, Harley should spend a portion of the movie running from him. He is the king of psycho ex's, after all.

Recent set photos have revealed that Jared Leto's Joker will be making, at the very least, a cameo in the upcoming film. His relationship with Warner Bros. has been strained to say the least since they cut most of his scenes from Suicide Squad. This will probably result in a much more minimal involvement of the Joker in future plotlines.

Despite this, fans should be excited to see Harley Quinn emancipated from the Joker. Historically speaking, that's when her character has done the most to impress fans and make them fall in love with her.


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