Black Mirror: Bandersnatch - Every Ending Explained & Ranked

6. It's All A Movie

Black Mirror Bandersnatch Fionn Whitehead

This is certainly the most random ending on offer. After initiating the "F**** yeah" sequence (selecting either "Yeah" or "F*** yeah" triggers the same result) in Dr. Haynes' (Alice Lowe) office, you'll get the option to either fight her or jump out the window.

If you choose jump, you'll be stopped by a stage-hand, revealing that Stefan is actually an actor named Mike working on a movie set, and the actor who plays Stefan's dad (Craig Parkinson) appears to be the director. Mike appears to have lost touch with reality and believes himself to be Stefan.

Yes, it's a somewhat David Lynchian idea of two personalities becoming conflated while riffing on the idea of storytelling itself, but it feels a little too sudden, goofy and clumsy to really work as intended.

This is like those throwaway WTF video game endings intended solely to baffle without actually being clever.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.