Black Mirror: Bandersnatch - Every Ending Explained & Ranked

5. Stefan Jumps Off The Balcony

Black Mirror Bandersnatch Fionn Whitehead Will Poulter

This is the first legit ending you can reach in the film, where Stefan ends up hanging out with Colin (Will Poulter), who gives him some LSD and starts riffing on the fluid nature of the universe.

Once high, the pair go to the balcony and Colin declares that one of them will jump, dying in this timeline but going on to survive in another.

You can then choose to either do it yourself or let Colin prove his point, and if you pick Stefan, things abruptly end with Stefan jumping and Bandersnatch getting zero stars, with the reviewer making reference to his tragic demise.

Conceptually this one's pretty neat, in large part thanks to Colin getting deep with the metaphysical shenanigans, even if it's also abrupt and ultimately a bit throwaway.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.