Black Panther: 30 Easter Eggs & References You Probably Missed

28. Public Enemy

Public Enemy
Def Jam

N'Jobu's apartment in Oakland shows signs that the Wakandan spy is a hip hop fan - particularly of Public Enemy thanks to a poster he has up in the living room. And the choice is no accident, given what Black Panther owes to the legendary ensemble.

Despite the popularity of the character now, Panther was once a bit lost and before writer Reginald Hudlin came in, he simply wasn't a prime property. In 2005, he reinvented the character and Wakanda and stopped trying to make him commercially viable. As he told MTV, he wanted to write "the Public Enemy version of Black Panther... By not caring what the audience thinks, we plugged into exactly what the audience wanted."

Obviously, there are links between N'Jobu's militancy and the message of a lot of Public Enemy's lyrics too, so it's no surprise he's a fan.


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