Black Panther: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

12. Bucky Barnes

Black Panther Characters
Marvel Studios

Played By: Sebastian Stan

He's only in there for a cameo in the post-credits stinger, but it's nice to see more of Sebastian Stan's Bucky Barnes, particularly given what his appearance means for the future of the character.

He appears in that stinger as if he's spent the time between Civil War and now at a high-priced spa being pampered and "finding himself." Which is essentially what he has been doing, apart from the fact that he's spent the time being deprogrammed by Shuri and her science magic.

The best part of his very small appearance is that it means he's probably now fixed and is "over" his Winter Soldier issues (or at least well on the way). And that means we'll get him as a more rounded hero once more in Infinity War.

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Black Panther
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