Black Panther: Every Character Revealed So Far

6. W'Kabi

WKabi Black Panther
Marvel Studios

Played By: Daniel Kaluuya

What We Know So Far

In the comics - and presumably also in the film - W'Kabi a Wakandan native who is T'Challa's loyal right-hand man and second in command. He is traditionally presented as distrustful of outsiders, and has a bionic arm that emits powerful blasts.

Quite how close his filmic presentation sticks to his portrayal in the comics remains to be seen, but we've seen flashes that he is T'Challa's second in command. And given the distrust of outsiders, it's likely he will react as badly to the appearance of Everett Ross in Wakanda as he does to Ulysses Klaue's.

And unfortunately, since he dies in the comics, it wouldn't be entirely unexpected to see him die here too.


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