Black Panther Trailer Reactions: 7 Ups & 2 Downs

6. The Costume Design (And Multiple Suits)

Black Panther Suit
Marvel Studios

There's nothing the MCU loves better than putting their superheroes in new threads every time there's a new movie coming out. Iron Man has had more costume changes than an Oscar host (but then that's sort of his gimmick), and the pursuit of endless improvements is very obvious.

That's already bled into Black Panther, where it appears we have a number of suits for T'Challa. He still has the Civil War suit, but it would seem that his sister unveils a new one (with the weird purple glowing powers). And of course, Erik Killmonger ends up with his own suit - a modified version of the Civil War suit (which he may steal and repaint)...

Black Panther Cheetah
Marvel Studios

Those variant suits are lovely and all, but they're only a small part in a massive, opulent production with some seriously stunning costume designs that are just as incredible as the superhero outfits. If this film doesn't win production design awards next year something is seriously wrong.

Black Panther
Marvel Studios

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