Bloodshot Review: 3 Ups & 7 Downs
6. The Totally Derivative Plot
Though Bloodshot is technically adapted from a decades-old series of comics, it's obvious that the film draws tremendous influence from countless sci-fi action films from the last 30-or-so years.
A demented spin on Captain America: The First Avenger and Iron Man 3 by way of The Terminator, this is basically a superhero origin story shot through a gonzo sci-fi lens, and encompasses all the genre cliches you'd expect.
The plot basically amounts to a mash-up of around a dozen-or-so better-executed movies, ensuring that its few unique ideas are swallowed up by an overwhelming feeling of deja vu.
It's hardly the end of the world for a movie like this, though underlines the overall unimaginative nature of the production.