Bond 24: 10 Things You Need To Know

10. It Will Feel Even More Like A Nolan Film

One of the more remarkable aspects of Skyfall was that it really, really felt like a Christopher Nolan movie. This is most apparent from a stylistic perspective, particularly during the Shanghai portion, with Bond's fight against Patrice feeling like it was ripped straight from a Dark Knight movie. Then there's the fact that the narrative is also strangely similar to The Dark Knight: Javier Bardem's Raoul Silva gets caught just like The Joker, but of course, it's all part of the plan to launch another strike against the good guys. If you enjoyed the Nolan-esque Skyfall, however, there's good news ahead, because the production has acquired the services of two of Nolan's collaborators for Bond 24. Firstly, Lee Smith, who has edited Nolan's last six movies, is on-board, as is Hoyte Van Hoytema, who worked as cinematographer on Interstellar. As such, while Skyfall had that distinct Nolan feel, with two of Bond 24's most instrumental stylistic positions being filled by Nolan employees, expect that feeling to be amplified here.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.