Bond 24: Live And Let Die Remake With Idris Elba?

4. A Warmer James Bond

Something that people tend to forget about Ian Fleming's novel of Live and Let Die is that the intention was to make James Bond come across as less callous and more likeable - probably as Fleming had just signed a three-novel deal and saw the potential for more - by imbuing him with a greater sense of humanity than in Casino Royale. From the opening chapters, it's abundantly clear; his character is less standoffish and more charming, and his friendship with the CIA's Felix Leiter is especially well-developed in this regard. As far as the films go, Bond is still a pretty icy character, but that's exactly what the series needed. In Casino Royale, he was brutish, though let a woman get in his head. In Quantum, he sought to repair those damages, and in Skyfall, he started out as a wounded alcoholic and showed his most human side yet once M died in his arms. Though Bond should never be the sweet, sensitive type, following along the bent of the second novel is definitely a good idea for Bond 24; make us like him more, though still ensure he's a cool killer with an attitude when it's required. One obvious way to cement this is...

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]