Bond 24 Wishlist: 10 Things That Must Happen

5. A Memorable Henchman

If there's one big thing the Craig Bond films lack, it's memorable henchmen: in fact, it's difficult to think of even one whose name we can actually remember. Those lesser villains, such as the free-running Mollaka who Bond chases at the start of Casino Royale, just don't have much personality, and that's a real shame. Compare these movies' lack of a colourful villainous sidekick with the likes of Oddjob, Jaws, Nick Nack and so on, who in many respects have become more iconic and memorable than the men they worked for. If rumours can be trusted, the Bond team are reportedly keen to fix this, and are apparently on the lookout for a former athlete who is extremely physically fit and over 6'2". According to rumours, "whoever wins the role will have several altercations with Daniel Craig€™s 007 throughout the film and also a driving sequence", so if this can be believed, it looks like Eon are looking to add another classic Bond component to the Craig stable, one that's been sorely missed up to this point.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.