Bruce Lee: 10 Most Memorable Screen Moments

9. Game of Death (1978) - Bruce Lee Vs Kareem Abdul Jabbar

kareem Bruce Lee died before the completion of Game Of Death and the remaining scenes were patched together with doppelgangers and editing. Of the scenes featuring Bruce lee that remained one of the most baddass is the fight between the 5 foot 6 Bruce Lee and seven foot 4 Kareem Abul Jabbar. The height difference is pretty striking, with Bruce's head at the level of Kareem's navel. Kareem's legs are so long you get the impression that he'd be able to reach across the Atlantic to kick Frenchmen in the face, but Bruce wins out, somehow using Kareem's height against him and dodging his devastating kicks with a combination of grappling and dodging.

Aaron Short has written for Cracked and Listverse. He also has a blog where he mostly talks about Nicholas Cage and old Arnie films at