Bruce Willis: 5 Awesome Performances and 5 That Sucked

2. Color of Night (1994)

Do you want to see Bruce Willis in a softcore porno? If you answered yes, go directly to Color of Night. If you answered €œNo, please, God, Nooooo!€ then best you avoid it, eh? Color of Night was Willis€™ erroneous attempt to scrub off some of the €˜action star€™ label that had become pretty much his whole schtick by this point. Not an impossible task (case in point: Sixth Sense) but with a script as weak and filled with convoluted Mills and Boon nonsense as Color of Night, Willis is definitely guilty of choosing the wrong movie with which to attempt a brand repackaging. Despite some half-decent cinematography creating at least a bit of atmosphere, the whole thing is just too tepid, too full of itself to even begin to work properly. Willis' colour-blind Therapist Bill Capa sits at the centre of this laughable whodunit, but Willis, who€™s clearly waaay out of his comfort zone, doesn€™t provide the realism, the unbridled and unashamed passion, that a film of this kind needs to work.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.