Bruce Willis: 5 Awesome Performances and 5 That Sucked

3. North (1994)

When Tarantino chose to cast Bruce Willis as Butch Coolidge in Pulp Fiction, he made the decision knowing that Willis might not necessarily be, on paper and to the outside observer, the ideal choice for the part. But when Rob Reiner decided to cast Willis as the voice-of-god narrator cum guy in the pink rabbit suit in his disastrous flop North, he definitely wasn€™t the ideal choice, on paper or otherwise. Not Willis€™ fault, for sure, North is after all, a rare misstep for Reiner in which almost nothing is of any value whatsoever, be it emotionally or aesthetically. And certainly one of the things that€™s of least value is Willis, who shows up bewilderingly every so often to spout garbled working class wisdom at a young Elijah Wood, without ever being properly explained or even acknowledged as f*cking idiotic. If ou're fortunate enough to have not seen North, you're not going to find much to like about it should you choose to enter the experience, and Willis certainly never worked against that fact.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.