Bruce Willis: 5 Awesome Performances and 5 That Sucked

4. Unbreakable (2000)

Honestly, the beginning of the millennium was an incredible time for M. Night Shamylan. Had he maintained the course he was on, I guarantee that we€™d be celebrating him now as one of the finest directors of this generation. What actually happened is unfortunate, but hey, at least we still have a couple of incredible movies to remember him by, right? Unbreakable is unequivocally one of them. When you actually think about it, his character here, David Dunn, isn€™t exactly massively different from Dr. Malcolm Crowe in The Sixth Sense (again, he plays Dunn as though he knows the truth about himself, but denies its acknowledgement). That said, it€™s still another pitch perfect performance from Willis who manages to offset Dunn€™s outward invulnerability with his inward, all-too-human vulnerability with as much aplomb as anyone who ever played Superman. As a comic book fan, Unbreakable was a massive validation, and coupled with another spot on Shamylan guided performance from Willis, it easily slots itself into the €˜favourite movies€™ corner of my brain.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.