Bryce Dallas Howard: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

1. Jurassic World (2015)

Jurassic World may be the real breakthrough for Dallas Howard. While she's given some first rate performances in more understated films, this was her opportunity to do something with a meaty part in a blockbuster the whole world has been waiting for. It's not that she reinvents acting or anything, but she's very good in her part, going through the full spectrum of emotions you expect to see in a film like this, and dealing with the inevitable CGI backdrop as comfortably as can be expected. Howard gets to do a little bit of everything in this film, starting out as the resident neurotic, borderline obsessive-compulsive scientist and blossoming into a more rounded character as the film progresses. Despite the white blouse and high heels, her character is never a damsel in distress and holds her own when the going gets tough. Her leading the T Rex out of its paddock as the film reaches its climax is a particularly epic highlight. She does humour damn well too, meaning it's not just Chris Pratt who delivers the funny lines in this movie. Overall a top effort, and with such a massive audience, it would be little surprise if we start to see Bryce Howard Clark begin a Hollywood takeover in the near future.

Adam Thompson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.