Bumblebee: 8 Reasons Why It Will Be The Best Transformers Film Ever

6. The Amblin Vibe

Bumblebee Close Up

The trailers for Bumblebee have been nothing short of excellent and have done a brilliant job of selling the core elements that this franchise was always supposed to be built upon.

A term that was thrown around a lot in the lead-up to Bay's first Transformers film in 2007 was that it was "a boy and his car" story. They very much wanted to sell the film as being in-the-vein of the Amblin films of the '80s, to the point that they even got Spielberg to come onboard and gave him an executive producer credit pretty much solely so they could slap his name on the poster.

And while that first film certainly has seeds of that story within it, it is definitely not an Amblin film. Bumblebee, on the other hand, looks to finally capitalize on this aspect of the story, focusing solely on Hailee Steinfeld's Charlie and her relationship with Bumblebee, telling a very Amblin-esque "girl and her car story" first and foremost.

The logic of applying the Amblin logic to a Transformers has always been incredibly sound and promising, it's just that Bay never really wanted to commit to it. So to see Knight's new film take full advantage of this long-missed opportunity will be great.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.