Unfortunately for Diaz, she's been in two movies I might consider placing in the 'worst movies I've ever seen' list - The Sweetest Thing and of course this absolutely diabolical cinematic aberration. Believe me when I say, nothing is right here. There's no life in the scripting, there's such a limited scope to the directorial vision and the performances through - least of which from its leads, Cameron Diaz and Keanu I-Know-Kung-Fu Reeves - are actually so wooden, deliver such lukewarm chemistry together, that you'd think the pair were fresh out of a cut-rate acting school. Definitely not Diaz's finest moment, which is again a shame when you consider just how much she's actually capable of. I guess when looking in to why Feeling Minnesota failed so terribly, on almost every level, you'd have to point the finger at writer/director Steven Baigelman, who used this ill-conceived story that reads like True Romance lite, to debut in Hollywood and has since worked very little. Here Diaz, quite simply, sucks. But then again so does Reeves. So does everyone. And so does the whole thing. So there are are 5 best and 5 worst Cameron Diaz performances. Anything you'd disagree with? Any you'd have switched out for something else entirely? Do let us know!