2. Charlies Angels: Full Throttle (2003)

Let's be honest, the
first Charlie's Angel's movie, despite not actually being that bad, could be classified for many as a guilty pleasure movie. However, the second, Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, goes well beyond the mark of 'guilty pleasure' and well into the realms of poor taste. Undoubtedly born entirely out of the relatively unexpected success of the original Charlie's Angel's remake, you have to look at Full Throttle and ask yourself: "is there any point in this movie whatsoever?" The real trouble with it is that it's almost entirely vacuous with Diaz - and indeed the rest of the lady-ensemble - not so much acting, but instead flying about the screen inanely through one uninspiring MTV music video set-piece to the next, looking pretty and delivering surprisingly little else on the side. Considering that we've actually seen Diaz work against her striking good looks before in the pursuit of a great performance (again, look back at Being John Malkovich) it's a shame to see her falling back entirely on her beauty in what is easily one of her most uninspiring turns to date.