Cameron Diaz: 5 Awesome Performances and 5 That Sucked

1. Being John Malkovich (1999)

I have a certain rule of thumb about actors and actresses, especially good-looking ones; if they're willing to de-beautify for a role, you've sort of got to give them props from the outset, even before you've seen the actual performance. And true, even though Diaz was clearly willing to tone down some of that smouldering beauty of hers for Being John Malkovich, she still could have sucked. But of course, anyone who's seen the film will tell you that she really, really didn't. While no film is perfect, performance wise, Being John Malkovich succeeds in coming pretty damn close. Every player in the cast is on their absolute a-game but it's perhaps a testament to Diaz's ability, with the right script and in the right directorial hands (you can't really go wrong with Charlie Kaufman and Spike Jonze), that she's never once overshadowed. A superb and often laugh out loud turn from Diaz, who's existential, gender-bending adventures into John Malkovich's head represent easily her most dramatically succulent and drily hilarious turn so to date. So, you've read what we consider to be Cameron Diaz's 5 most awesome performances; click "Next"for the 5 she wishes we'd all forget.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.