Captain America 2: 11 Questions We Want Answered

6. What Is The Current Alignment Of Quicksilver And Scarlet Witch?

After the reveal of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in the mid-credits scene, it's difficult to see how they become part of the Avengers in the upcoming Age of Ultron movie. They are currently in the custody of Baron Strucker and it seems as though he intends to control them using Loki's sceptre and use them for his own dastardly purposes. So are they currently evil? Are they currently good? Are they currently neutral but completely obedient to Strucker thanks to the sceptre? Is Strucker going to make them attack the Avengers? Is he going to ask them to infiltrate the Avengers by getting them to help them? Quicksilver looked extremely agitated, while Scarlet Witch looked at peace with herself (in a psychotic sort of way), so it's difficult to decipher exactly what their current predicament is.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.