Captain America 2: 11 Questions We Want Answered

5. When Do We Get To See Stephen Strange?

So we got our first piece of confirmation that powerful sorcerer Doctor Strange is officially a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe! S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Jasper Sitwell (who was revealed to be a HYDRA agent in this movie), whilst being interrogated, gave away information that there was a scheme in place to eliminate everyone who was judged to be a potential threat to HYDRA - specifically mentioning Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Stephen Strange. It was clearly a way of Marvel saying "you're getting your Doctor Strange movie very soon," and we simply can't wait to see it! But the big question is: when is it going to happen? It is likely to be a part of phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, of course, now that we've heard his name - the sooner we see him on screen, the better!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.