Captain America 2: 20 Easter Eggs, References & In-Jokes You Need To See

2. The Death Of Captain America?

At the end of the movie, as the dust settles and the mess begins to be cleared up, there's a brief shot of the heavily charred body of turncoat SHIELD/HYDRA agent Brock Rumlow being removed from the ruins of SHIELD's base, having survived (against considerable odds) a helicarrier landing on him. The fact that he survives, with what looks like complete bodily burns sets up his transformation into Crossbones, whose actor Frank Grillo confirmed in a pre-release interview that there were plans to bring his character back, saying that the film was an origin piece...
"They do actually . We'll see what happens. We'll see if the fans respond to Brock and how it goes."
So basically, we're being lead to believe that Phase 3 is going to centre on the death of Cap then? Where To Watch Out For It Just before the final sequence.

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