Captain America: Civil War - 10 Amazing Comic Book Moments It Must Include

4. Captain America Surrenders

Like most comic book adaptations, there will undoubtedly be some major changes made to Civil War during its journey to the big screen. Assuming though that it will at least roughly follow the main narrative, the movie should definitely end with Steve Rogers handing himself into the authorities after seeing the damage his battle with Iron Man is causing. It's such a Captain America thing to do, and while this sequence felt a bit rushed in the comic book, you have to imagine that an actor like Chris Evans would get some amazing drama out of scenes like this. Seeing him unmasked and handcuffed could be a truly iconic superhero movie moment too. It's going to be fascinating to see how Marvel handle this. Will both heroes come close to becoming villains or will one man go further than the other? Both are immensely popular, so it will be hard to get audiences to turn against one or the other, but if it plays out like the comic book, well, Robert Downey Jr.'s popularity might plummet.

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