Captain America: Civil War - 10 Amazing Comic Book Moments It Must Include

5. Captain America Vs. Iron Man

This may seem obvious, but Captain America: Civil War has to pit Steve Rogers against Iron Man in an epic fight at some point. To only tease it or not have them exchange blows will be a massive disappointment. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice is also coming out in 2016, and if Marvel have any hopes of topping that, they're going to have to go all out. The two former friends have a few battles throughout the course of the Civil War comic book, but it's their first which is arguably the one which the Russo brothers should be thinking about borrowing from. Full of personal insults and an enraged Iron Man beating Cap to within an inch of his life, this is what we need to see in the movie next year. How far Marvel would push this remains to be seen, but a bloodied Captain America and Iron Man knocking seven bells out of each other as their fellow heroes do the same in the background would top any other fight we've seen on the big screen to date. Hulk vs. Thor? That'll be nothing compared to this.

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