Captain America: Civil War - 10 Big Implications Of Hulk & Thor's Absence

2. More Threatening Villains

With Hulk and Thor present, would Crossbones dare to get into a fight with an Avengers-backed Captain America? Would Baron Zemo dare to meddle in the world of superhumans if Hulk and Thor were there to oppose him? Neither of those two characters are even a moderate physical threat to the Green Goliath or the God of Thunder, but their threat levels increase without those two being there. Granted, they're still not much of a physical threat to the likes of Iron Man, War Machine and Vision, but they really wouldn't even register on Hulk or Thor's radar. Without the powerful pairing there, audiences will at least be able to take the villains in Captain America: Civil War somewhat seriously. With them there, it would be Malekith allover again - but on an even more extreme level.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.