Captain America: Civil War - 10 Biggest Things We Still Don't Know
Someone's going to die, but who?
There may still be a little while to go until Captain America: Civil War hits cinemas, but after the recent release of the final trailer it looks like we won't know much more until the movie starts screening for press in a few weeks time, meaning the speculation is only going to get more rampant. Civil War is by far the most ambitious MCU movie since the original Avengers, with more moving parts than ever before, and so the movie's marketing has naturally thrown up a ton of tantalising questions. From the roles of various supporting characters to the ultimate outcome of the battle itself, we have to consider the sneaky tricks that Marvel Studios have hidden up their sleeves, and how little about the film we really know for certain. Could we be in for another twist on the level of the Mandarin switcharoo, for instance? Or will Civil War be a satisfying yet largely predictable outing? While Age Of Ultron rode in on a tidal wave of hype and ended up being merely good and none-too-surprising, hopefully the Russo Brothers will serve up satisfying, occasionally shocking answers to these crucial questions.