Captain America: Civil War - 10 Biggest Things We Still Don't Know
6. Who Shoots War Machine Out Of The Sky?
One of the most dramatic moments from the movie we've seen so far is War Machine getting shot out of the sky by an as-yet unknown entity. The final trailer is sneakily edited to imply that Bucky snipes him out of the air, but considering that Bucky is inside a building as he takes the shot, it's clear that the two moments are from entirely different scenes. Who is firing on Rhodey, then? The Likely Answer: Freeze-framing the impact shot on War Machine's armour appears to suggest that it's a blast of energy of some kind, so the most likely answer is Vision. But why would Vision do this when he's on Team Iron Man? You might recall the shot in the trailer where Scarlet Witch appears to take control of Vision, so it's possible that she managed to manipulate him into firing a blast into Rhodey's chest against his will. After all, Scarlet Witch is by far the most erratic and unpredictable Avenger, so it totally fits.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
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