Captain America: Civil War - 10 Biggest Things We Still Don't Know

4. Who Will Die?

Considering that sheer amount of fighting going on, presenting higher stakes than ever before, as well as the fact that the Civil War comic itself features the death of Captain America, fans are convinced that the movie won't end without at least a fatality or two. Who, though, will it be? The Likely Answer: This is a tough one, but we can rule out most of the big players because they need to stick around for Infinity War, and Cap being killed off would just be too obvious. It probably wouldn't surprise or bother anyone too much if some of the strictly human supporting characters died: Rhodey would be too obvious as his attack has been shown in every trailer, but Hawkeye is a possibility (Black Widow is less likely because she's one of the few women in the MCU). There is an outside chance it's Bucky. If you freeze-frame the final trailer, there's a brief shot where his cybernetic arm has been ripped off, and though he almost certainly won't die at the hands of Iron Man, don't be surprised if Bucky ends up taking the bullet from Crossbones that took out Cap in the comics, possibly in order to redeem himself. Yes, Sebastian Stan has a ridiculous 9-picture deal, but that doesn't mean Marvel will exercise all nine of those options, and it's tough to imagine Bucky ever becoming a fully-fledged Avenger alongside Iron Man if he really did kill his parents. Hell, perhaps he'll "die" and then get resurrected in time for Infinity War or something, but he's a strong candidate to get taken out of commission in Civil War, especially as it has the potential to bring Iron Man and Cap back together at a pivotal moment.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.