Captain America: Civil War - 10 Biggest Things We Still Don't Know
3. How Big Is Crossbones' Role?
Brock Rumlow transitions into the villainous Crossbones after his accident in The Winter Soldier, but considering how much the movie already has to juggle, how big could his role possibly be? The Likely Answer: Civil War is a unique film in that the fight scenes between the warring Avengers are almost certainly going to overshadow anything the movie's villains can bring to the table. As such, expect Crossbones to have a far more subdued role than a headlining villain like Ultron. Though Crossbones will likely be a primary antagonist of Civil War, when the good guys are sparring within their ranks, it's fine for the bad guy to mostly just sit back and munch the popcorn. We know that Crossbones has a fight against Cap, but if his role is reduced after that, hopefully Marvel will have the good sense not to kill him off and save him for another movie. He's a strong, iconic villain, and seeing him dispensed in an extended cameo as with Baron von Strucker would be a ridiculously wasted opportunity.
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