Captain America: Civil War - 10 Controversial Ways It Could End

7. Zemo Gets Away

Marvel has been pretty uniform with the fates of almost all of their villains. They enter the scene, cause some chaos and are killed or taken out of action at the end of the film. Even if they manage to survive, like Loki or Justin Hammer, they never get away clean, and always face punishment for their actions.

It€™s a nice moral lesson, and it€™s satisfying to see these baddies get what they deserve. As such, the notion of a villain not only surviving, but completely escaping, free of consequence could be a little alarming for some. And yet, that could be the exact case for the real villain of Civil War, Baron Zemo.

Considering the lack of an appearance thus far in promotional materials and an admission from producer Nate Moore that he€™s being set up for something more, it doesn€™t seem like Zemo is going to die in Civil War. Specifically, it sounds like the heroes may not even know he€™s the one doing the manipulating until later down the line. It would no doubt be an interesting twist, but one that may not fly with people who want a complete story and a developed villain.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.